You’ve got some questions. We’ve got some answers.
Where are we located?
Our services operate out of East Abbotsford. If you don’t know where to go, you’ll receive the address when you sign up for a class.
I don't know if my dog or I will like dog sports.
Not sure if this is the right thing for you and your dog? We have Try It Nights every 7 weeks! You can come out to the building and try out agility, rally, ALL of the things!
Click here to check out what’s coming up for our next Try It Week.
Where can I sign up for the classes that I found on the website?
Our course registration portal is hosted here – Book Online
I'm registering for an event but don't know where to sign up.
Events are usually a bit different to sign up for than our standard courses. From our Events page, you may be linked directly to an online form OR a premium. A premium will provide a lot of information about the event and a link to how to sign up, which is usually an online form.
If you’re not sure, you can email us at info@tugdog.ca
I haven't received my invoice yet. Is there a problem?
Most likely there is not a problem. We’re a small business and invoicing takes people power. Give us a bit of time and you should see your invoice show up.
If you’re worried – you can always reach out to us at info@tugdog.ca to check on things.
What happens if I miss a class?
If you miss a class within a set, we unfortunately are not able to offer a make-up class. Our schedule is generally quite packed and adding someone to an existing class, mid-set, can be disruptive and distracting to the other teams in the class.
Can I cancel my registration in the class/event?
Cancellation policies for the various types of activities that Tug Dog offers are outlined in our intake forms. You should have been sent a form applicable to your activity when you registered for it and that form should be completed before attending.
In general, all events/classes/rentals, have a timeframe where you can cancel and be refunded, minus an administration fee, AND a late cancellation timeframe where no refund is provided.
For more details about the policy specific to your activity, please refer to your intake form.
Where is the online classroom?
The online classroom is facilitated through Google Classroom and is most easily accessed if you have a Google (gmail) account, although it can be accessed without it.
Once you’ve been invited to the Google Classroom, you’ll receive an email invite and you can follow the prompts to sign in.
If you’re having trouble, this Google Help page might be of some assistance – Google Classroom Help
Are there any options if I need extra training time or extra help?
If you need extra, self-directed, training time to work on class homework, Tug Dog offers STUDY HALL!!
If you prefer more directed practice or help with something, you can contact us to inquire about private lessons (info@tugdog.ca)
My female dog is in season. Can I still come to class/event?
If your female dog is in heat during a class or event she must wear pants. If participating in an event it will be in accordance with the rules of the venue and, if allowed, it may affect where your team is in the run order.

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